Cancelations or Delays

Rain-IconCANCELATION or DELAYSTri-Greenville reserves the right in the event of inclement weather, emergency, or natural disaster to cancel the race or move to a later time. In the event of cancelation, there will be no refund of entry fees.

(616) 794-8800
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We are following the USAT Weather Contingency Plan for inclement weather. The following is a summary of their plan. If there is bad weather we have four possible options:

  • Change of race start time on the scheduled date (delays)
  • Modification of the race format (dropping one leg of the event; like the swim for example)
  • Change of the race date
  • Cancellation of the event

The remedy selected will be solely at the discretion of the Race Directors and based upon the severity and length of any of the following weather  conditions: Lightning, Heavy Rains, Wind & Tornadoes, Extreme Heat and/or Ice & Snow. The definition of inclement weather belongs solely to the Race Director. There are however, a few conditions that can be explicitly stated:

  • Lightning:  The rule is you must have 30 minutes of clear (no lightning sightings) skies from the last time you saw it in order to start a race.  It doesn’t matter how near or far the storm.
  • Tornado Warning: Activities will cease and event will be cancelled.

 If the race is cancelled, you will not receive any refund of your registration fees.

Greenville Area Recreation & Community Center900 E. Kent Rd.
Greenville, Michigan  48838
Phone: 616.754.9163

Community Center Email:
Recreation Email:

Monday - Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm